Winter Arrived???

Just about to catch air on the last downhill
Its starting to look a bit more like the January weather we expect.  There's finally snow on the ground (most places).  There is snow on the forecast.  Its still not there, however, seeing as I can go biking and spent a significant portion of my ride seeing dirt under my tire instead of snow.  I still spent the majority of my time riding on the packed white stuff, but it felt more like early March riding.  Frankly I'm not disappointed that winter has been tardy in his arrival this year.  I've got some pretty good rides in while he takes his time in arriving.
Same trail that I seem to be riding most frequently.  It turns out to be the most convenient trail to ride, especially when I have other things to get to in the day.  I didn't go quite as far this week.  The snow was packed great for riding though, it wasn't too cold yet, and I had a blast.  My favorite is on the last downhill section right as it hits the final flat section to the trailhead, there is a large rock that you can catch some air off of (pictured above).  Even in the winter it is pretty fun to hit.  

Heading back downhill on the snow covered hill,
A little more snow this time around at this spot