Flying Dog

Riding a trail with a name like this makes you kind of feel like you should be letting your tongue hang out as the wind whips your face and have long ears flapping behind you. However, this should be no deterrent for what was an incredibly fun and beautiful trail.

As noticed by the pictures I rode this with my dad and brother-in-laws, all extremely good men and great riders. We were taking a sort of mini-vacation up in Park City and this was the highlight trail of the trip.

Including 24-7 I believe we did about 9 miles as an out and back, although we were only about a half mile from hitting the Preserve Connector to make it an approximate 10 mile loop. There are other options to make this trail a 16 mile or even 23 mile loop. It has a fair mix of climbing and descent, nothing overly technical or overly strenuous to climb. We did hit a few mud spots, being earlyish/middleish June.

There's a beaver dam that you ride by on the trail that is pretty cool, and some of the other riders told me that there was a moose up there as well. It seems to be a pretty popular trail with a good handful of riders on a Friday afternoon/evening.