Canyon Creek, Moose Hollow, The Avenues

In close proximity to the 24-7 trailhead is the trailhead for a small trail system, that for the day Dad and I rode included Canyon Creek, Moose Hollow, and The Avenues (the trailhead is actually just shortly up the road from it going the opposite direction). These three trails are relatively short (done as an out and back all three trails were only about 6 miles round trip, with Moose Hollow likely the shortest at somewhere under a mile, and the other two likely just over a mile).

Canyon Creek is a fairly stiff climb that requires good strength and conditioning. Right from the outset it is a stiff climb, and it is fairly brutal through most of the trail.

At the end of Canyon Creek you jump out onto a neighborhood street, and across the street you find the trailhead for Moose Hollow. Moose Hollow is pretty short, requires a fair amount of climbing, some of which is pretty stiff but not as bad as Canyon Creek. There were quite a few muddy spots (pictured above was one spot - no pictures from Canyon Creek as I didn't particularly love that part, and the last went by too quick to snap pictures), some of which you had to hike your bike through.

Ending Moose Hollow you will find yourself on a paved mountain road, and heading down that road you will find the trailhead for the creatively named Switchback Trail, which was too muddy to even think about riding, and then a little ways further you find a pleasant, albeit short, trail called The Avenues. This is a real fun trail, very pretty, and very short. It connects with the Switchback Trail about a half mile before the trail just ends. Great trail, highly recommend.