
24-7 starts at Jeremy Ranch and rides along the hillside until it connects with Flying Dog (at least for us - I believe it actually keeps going along and becomes part of Stealth). Most of the ride is out in the open (I'm sure it gets awful hot in the middle of the summer) and has a great view out toward Park City.

The trail is steady climbing through most of it, most of it being low to intermediate technical difficulty except maybe one or two spots. It only rides about two miles before connecting to Flying Dog.

While not being a bad trail and is good for a nice climb, it isn't one of my all time favorites by any means. It is a great option to get to Flying Dog, a far superior trail in my opinion, but not worth the ride by itself most days.

I did have a pretty good wreck on the way back, flying down, and then coming over one rise I didn't realize the trail would dip and swerve and I went off the trail and face planted it, bloodying up my elbow.