Ogden Shoreline Trail - north of 12th Street

The Shoreline Trail is pretty extensive, and I had a hard time labeling this ride. This is part of the Ogden section, but a part I rarely ride and is kind of its own ride unless you really want to create an epic ride starting at North Ogden and going to the end of the Ogden section and back.

There are several good starting points for this, from North Ogden all the way to 12th Street. I've been starting at the Ogden Nature Center Trailhead as it makes for a nice quick ride. The trail goes up a set of switchbacks for a bit, with alternate route options of the Quail Trail, the powerline trail, and upon reaching the Shoreline Trail you can head north or south, both of which I've done, although I still have a few sections, such as Gardner Canyon, that I would like to try out going north (last year I do remember there being some brutally steep sections going north though) and I'm yet to make it all the way to 12th St going south, although I've gotten close.

The trail is highly technical, but not overly strenuous. It is fairly narrow with a fair amount of obstacles in a few sections, and thus far I seem to always have at least one or two dismount points. On the morning of this particular ride I had just made it through the rocky technical portion pictured when my chain snapped and I had to try coasting most of the way back down, with my chain packed into my pocket. Again it was a short pre-work ride. I do find this trail quite fun though for a quick challenge and a decent workout.