Bonneville Shoreline Trail - Logan to North Logan

I forgot how much fun biking was when it isn't in the snow! This was my first ride of the year that wasn't strictly on snow, and I forgot how much easier it is to climb on dirt and how much I missed that!

This section of the Bonneville Shoreline Trail starts at First Dam in Logan and runs over to Green Canyon in North Logan. It starts with some pretty steep switchbacks until it gets above the golf course, then some more steep climbing along the "shoreline" until it just kind of rolls along for a bit to Green Canyon. My one complaint about the trail is that it is so short - it is only about a mile and a half over to Green Canyon, and you almost have to ride part of Green Canyon to make the trail worth riding, unless you're just in the mood for a quick appetizer.

At this time there was still quite a bit of snow, but it was warm enough that it made for some good riding, and a lot of fun. I need to still get in a lot better shape, but it still went really well, and the ride down was still a blast!