Bonneville Shoreline Trail - Ogden

I don't think that there is a trail that my Dad and I have rode more than the Ogden section of the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. We always do this several times a year and it is my Dad's favorite, and one of mine. There are quite a few starting points, from 12th St parking at Rainbow Gardens, to 21st and 24th St starting points. We normally take it until it makes a small lariat loop at the end.
The trail has a good mix of climbing, downhill, a few tricky technical spots, and is overall just a lot of fun. It provides great views of the city of Ogden. It always starts with a bit of climbing to actually get to the trail, and then it is normally a slight steady climb for most of the ride in one direction, with occasional small downhill bursts.

There are two or three points where you cross bridges over the river, one of which is preceded by two real technical spots, and both of which are immediately followed by quick steep, slightly technical uphill spots. We generally then hit some switchbacks before the end that then take you to kind of a loop ride with a few more technical climbs, followed by some fun, sometimes steep drops to loop back.

This particular ride we didn't make it quite to the loop, in part due to a broken chain on my bike that we had to fix on the trail, time constraints as we were heading back home after to hear General Conference and listen to a prophet, and because of snow still on the trail.