Green Canyon - The February Edition

This was one of the best winter rides I think I had on the year. The weather was perfect - wasn't too cold, and the snow was hard packed, which made for easy riding. It was my wake-up call though that I need to get into better shape as I didn't make it very far and was still huffing and puffing a bit.

Even in the winter, and perhaps especially in the winter, it was absolutely gorgeous up here. Being hard packed climbing was fairly easy, and I made decent timing without ever spinning out on the snow or sliding into a soft spot. The way down was even funner, and I just flew down, and never had to worry about sticking to a narrow packed down portion because the whole trail was so well packed. I actually had seen a runner at the turn around point for me going down, told myself I would go a little further up, take some pictures, then turn around and still beat her for my goal. Turns out I even had my bike loaded before I seen her hit the parking lot!