Logan River Trail - January

The first ride of January, the first ride of 2011, and more than likely the coldest ride of my life. I hit the river trail again, and the trail was perfectly packed, but it was so frigid. I went about the same distance as my last ride in December, but it was a lot easier going this time, and my hands stayed a lot warmer because I used normal snow gloves.

I did learn, though, that it is probably best to have something to cover my ears, face, and neck. I ended up putting my hood up and my helmet over that because the ears were freezing. However, I had no option for the face and neck, so by the time I got down both were just about numb, and that is quite the sensation to have a numb neck!

The trail was well packed and I really never spun out, and it was pretty easy and fun going down. My water bottle was just about frozen by the time I got done, and taking drinks
was kind of funny because the nozzle would just about freeze shut each time.