Logan River Trail - Winter Riding

Yet another Saturday in December, yet another snow ride in the mountains of Logan. This one was by far the coldest ride of them all, but also probably the easiest trail to ride. The Logan River Trail begins at the mouth of the canyon, just past First Dam at about the nature center. It rides up past Second Dam, and ends up at campground just past that.

This is one of my favorite rides in the area in summer time - another quick ride. I normally will start at Second Dam and then take the fork toward Bridger Overlook and I'll normally end at Bridger Overlook (normally because of time, the last section to it kicks your butt, and the Overlook is steep loose rock - no dirt).

I didn't ride quite as far in the snow because of time constraints and because it was really cold. When I got back in the car on the drive home and my hands started thawing out I was beginning to wish that I still had no feeling in my hand!

The ride is very well traveled, very wide, and makes for great snow riding. Going up wasn't too difficult and went at a fairly good pace. Even the singletrack portion was good riding and except for one very short section was all very rideable, even in the snow.