Antelope Island - Christmas Eve!

What a better way to kick off Christmas Eve than with a little bike ride! To be very honest, where this ride was five years ago I don't remember much about the ride - how long it was, how difficult it was, or anything like that. It was also in my first few months home from my mission so trails appeared very differently after two years off!

From my memory, Dad kicked my tail on the way up (as usual), and there was one bumpy, long, fun downhill section.

There were also several incredible vistas, such as this one here. A little dreary looking, but awesome to take in.

This was pretty early on while I was still in a state of rebellion against wearing biking gear (the shirt, spandex, still used toe cages instead of clipless pedals and shoes, etc.). Dad on the other hand, being older, wiser, and more experienced, had already converted over to everything.

I believe this was on the uphill portion, and was the same section that was so much fun on the way down.

From my memory this was a pretty fun ride, and one that I would recommend, but I have heard that it now costs $9 to get into Antelope Island, and I'm kind of cheap and adverse to spending money myself.

Also, as a follow up note, after some discussion with my dad this ride may have taken place on Thanksgiving instead of Christmas Eve.