
I thought that it might be fun to devote a blog to biking so I can record all of the rides I take and have a place to store and post the pictures of my rides.

I've been mountain biking since I was at least thirteen or fourteen years old - I remember after one of my first rides going to church the next day and showing my young men's group some of the reminders I carried with me on my knee from an instance where my bike and the trail didn't seem to agree on the path. My most faithful biking companion has consistently been my dad, although I've had some memorable, although less intense, rides with my wife, by myself, with my uncles, cousins, and brother-in laws, as well as several other daring individuals and the occasional excursion on my own.

I love biking for a variety of reasons - from the challenge, the exercise, the downhill thrill, and perhaps one of the best parts are the amazing views I get. I'm reminded in those times that there is a living God, that He is our Father, and that He, through the direction of His Son created this world for His children!
