Grand Canyon 2010

As always we had a blast riding the Grand Canyon this year. We didn't take as many pictures this year, but it was a lot of fun. We did the same ride as before - the full Rainbow Rim day one, Arizona Trail day two.

Brad's younger brother Ben joined us this year, as did my brother-in-law Alan. Brad, Ben, and Alan all left the rest of us in the dust for most of the two days of riding, and just stormed up the trail both days.

The Arizona Trail was a lot tougher this year than I remembered it - it seemed like it was mostly uphill, and that every downhill was too short and delivered you right back into an uphill. There was one hill I seemed to forget about from previous years that I think claimed the title of toughest hill climb this year.

One of my favorite moments from this year's ride came when my cousin Brad wrecked, then I wrecked, and in the process Alan passed both of us, and next thing we knew Alan was racing out of sight ahead of us. When we finally started catching up he was working his way up that monster hill, and Dad turned to me and said, "What got into Alan?!"