Grand Canyon: 2008 Day 2 - The Arizona Trail

One of my favorite opportunities of the trip is getting to take the time to walk out to the rim of the Grand Canyon and read scriptures while overlooking it early in the morning before our second ride. For myself, the opportunity to study God's words while sitting in the midst of one of His beautiful creations has a certain spiritual depth to it, that allows me to find a rejuvenation spiritually.

The second day, after a delicious breakfast burrito, we pack up camp and drive out to the Arizona Trail. This is a long ride through gorgeous meadows, popping in and out of the woods, with several brute climbs, quickly followed by fun and fast downhills.After one particular up hill, then some winding through the woods, you come out to an incredible view on the East Rim View. It is absolutely gorgeous and we stop here every year to take some pictures.There's a few intense climbs on the way to this view, but it is worth it! Sometime after this point there is a real fun downhill, with a few switchbacks that you can just fly down, followed by a long slightly uphill meadow - this particular year there was a nasty headwind in that meadow that made for some tough going.

All in all a great ride, and we all get to go home absolutely exhausted.