So this one is a little out of order and a little past due. Maybe more than a little... but I didn't have photos for the trail until recently. This is a short ride up Provo Canyon. I first discovered it on a camping trip with my wife (actually our first camping trip we ever took together). It can be reached by heading up Provo Canyon past Bridal Veil Falls, turning into Vivian Park and continuing up the road from that park a couple miles. You'll see the Big Springs Park on your right (you'll go through Vivian and then pass another park on your right before you reach it).
This trail is nice for the first mile and a half or so - real pretty, well bermed, nothing difficult. But if you continue to the right up to Cascade Saddle it turns into one ugly trail. The trail to Cascade Saddle is steep, rocky, and not much fun (I'm sure there is a good view at the end, but it sure wasn't worth it to me to keep going to find out).